
Last night Zoe Saldana was in Utah for the Sundance Film Festival, appearing at the premiere of her next film, The Words. While there she took some questions about the Star Trek sequel currently in production, including talking a bit about the Spock/Uhura relationship. Details below. [UPDATED]

Saldana talks Star Trek sequel

The crafting, but she did speak a bit about the Star Trek sequel to the Vulture Blog. Firstly, Saldana talked about the long wait between film and the anticipation to get back to Star Trek:

The film came out in 2009, we shot it in ‘07, and now it’s 2012. So yeah, around last year, I was like, "Come on, come on already," because I had such a wonderful time working with J.J. and the cast and doing science fiction, which is my biggest passion and my preference as an audience and as a reader, too. But when you’re around J.J. and you’re around [Avatar director] Jim Cameron, you sense that there’s this absolute consciousness that if they don’t focus on the quality of what they do, then their formula’s not going to work. That’s the one thing they have in common; they’re amazing storytellers, so J.J. probably would have fought for the time that he needed for the sequel.

The actress was reluctant to talk about the state of the relationship between Spock and Uhura in the sequel, but did offer this bit:

All I’m going to say is, if you put all the time and energy and wit into setting these two characters together in the first movie and didn’t follow through, it would be a shame.

Saldana says it would be a "shame" if the sequel didn’t follow-up on the romance with Spock and Uhura seen in 2009’s "Star Trek"

At the same event, Saldana also joked around with IndieWire, with this exchange:

Q:Now for the fun part: what lies can you tell me about the “Star Trek” sequel?
Saldana: It’s going to be boring. There’s no conflict between Kirk and Spock, they agree on everything! They’re beer buddies. And there are no bad guys. We’re just cruising in space.

UPDATE: More from Zoe

Getting more serious, Saldana talked about returning to the Trek set and working again with director JJ Abrams, telling AP:

"It’s wonderful because I’ve been dying to work with the cast again, to work with JJ," she said. "I love him so much. He’s such an amazing human being and such an amazing storyteller and a great director, so what more can I ask for? I start the year and I’m literally going back to a very familiar environment and being a part of a great story."

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