
The Last Episode of The Sun that Embraces the Moon can be Cancelled?

As the director of the Sun that Embraces the Moon joined the MBC employees' strike, its last episode is in the danger of being cancelled.
The director Kim Dohun decided to joim the strike which has continued five weeks so far. He plans to attend the company's union meeting to make his decision official. He has already explained his situation to the actors.
Earlier, the drama's CP O Kyunghoon joined the strike, so it prcatically became impossible to continue shoots. Although there have been several strikes MBC's history, no dramas has ended abruptly because of a strike.
A representative of MBC union announced that most of other directors and drama staffs will join the strike pretty soon. He said, "We don't know if the company will provide the team with additional men power, but I am afraid that most dramas will have to be cancelled."
MBC Drama Division, on the other hand, is reluctant to make an official statement, only saying "nothing has been decided so far."
VIEW SOURCE FROM http://www.kpopstarz.com

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