
Dipannita Focusses On ´Jodi Breakers´ Post ´Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl´

After the success of 'Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl', actor Dipannita Sharma is now focussed on her upcoming 'Jodi Breakers' with Madhavan.

Dipannita recently told us, “ It feels really good that 'Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl' did well, and more so because my performance was appreciated. It's a role really close to my heart... Now I'm really looking forward to 'Jodi Breakers', because my role is very different from the one that people just saw me in (LVRB)...Usually audiences tend to remember you only by your last performance, so I'm really eager to see their reaction to my new character..”

The much awaited 'Jodi Breakers' hits the cinemas this Friday.
VIEW SOURCE FROM http://www.planetbollywood.com/displayArticle.php?id=n022012112927

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